Our Sunday Service

This week at St Gregory's

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Revd. Gaenor's Sermons

Pew News for w/b Sunday 9th February 4th before Lent

Dear All
I hope this finds you well and keeping warm!
When they had brought their boats to shore, they left everything and followed him   Luke 5:11
This week our Gospel focusses on the calling of Peter, James and John, fishermen working on the Lake of Galilee.The calling of Jesus to follow Him meant that they were to change the focus of their skills- from catching fish in the water to catching people for God. This change would require different things of the fishermen, but Jesus knew their potential- as He does us.
As we reflect on Christ’s ongoing calling to us to follow Him, what skills, gifts or time might we be able to offer to His Church? 
There is one body and one Spirit, 
just as you can been called in the one hope of your calling; 
one Lord, one faith, one baptism. 
Make your way in the world worthy of your calling.
Words for commissioning of lay people for ministry from Songs for the Journey

Isaiah 61:1-end

1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Luke 5:1-11


Sun 9th Feb 4th before Lent

8am Holy Communion (traditional language)

10am Parish Eucharist- followed by coffee 

Weds 12th

9am Morning Prayer

2.50pm School Worship

Thurs 13th

7pm Singing group practice   [email protected]

Fri 14th

12pm Village Prayer at Methodist Church


Sun 16th3rd before Lent

8am Holy Communion (traditional language)

10am  All Age Worship : Revd Angus’ last service- followed 

by Bring and Share lunch 12pm-2pm in St Greg’s School. Everyone is welcome- please sign up to offer a dish to share and please bring your own plate and cutlery.

Revd Gaenor is away Mon 17th – Thurs 20th inclusive

Weds 19th

9amMorning Prayer led by Judith 

Sat 22nd 

9am-11am Churchyard/ church working party


Weds 26th

7pm PCC meeting at the Rectory

7pm Singing group practice

Weds 5th MarchAsh Wednesday

11am Holy Communion with imposition of ashes 

No evening service

Friday 7th

12pm Village Lent Talk & Lunch series on Prayer begins 1/6 at Marnhull Methodist Church.

Sat 8th  

7pm Pilgrim Praise at Child Okeford. Please speak to Revd Gaenor if you would like to sing or play for this service.


  • We still need a new Health and Safety officer as from February PCC- please speak to Revd Gaenor or Chris Langhelt if you can help in this way.
  • Our school is looking to expand after school activities. If you have a skill you are happy to teach/share with the children on a regular basis please contact Mrs Farndale- headteacher- via office tel: 820206
  • Do get in touch with Barrie if you would like to be involved with caring for our churchyard- this is open to all villagers.
  • The organ loft window has been temporarily removed for restoration.


  • This Sunday (9th Feb) is Racial Justice Sunday celebrating the diversity in our churches:

Come Holy Spirit, show us your beauty

Reflected in all the peoples of the earth

So that we may discover anew

That all are important and all are necessary.

Different faces of the one humanity

That God so loves.


Extract from Pope Francis’ Fratelli Tutti

  • Please pray for the national General Synod’s meeting 10-14th Feb about a wide range of issues : https://www.churchofengland.org/about/governance/general-synod/groups-sessions-information/general-synod-february-2025
  • Please pray for all in or from our parish who are currently ill in body, mind or spirit- for healing and wholeness
Every blessing


Rector Revd Gaenor Hockey   

01258 821605 [email protected] 

Part time: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday 

Assistant Curate Revd Angus Mayhew07788100885 [email protected]

Shared curacy: Marnhull and Gillingham Team  

Full time. Rest day: Monday

Licensed Lay Minister Judith Male 07852780517 [email protected]

Churchwarden Barrie Jenks

01258 821604  [email protected]

Church is open daily:  9am – 4.30pm


Parish: www.stgregorysmarnhull.org.uk

Facebook/stgregschurch and musicatstgregs

Diocese:  www.salisbury.anglican.org