Our Sunday Service

This week at St Gregory's

Welcome to St Gregory's!

Please scroll down for our weekly news

Order of Service
Collects and Readings
Revd. Gaenor's Reflections

Pew News for w/b Sunday 14th July Trinity 7

Pew news for w/b 21st July Trinity 8

Dear All
I hope this finds you well.
I enclose the latest newsletter from Gillingham Foodbank https://gillingham.foodbank.org.uk Please donate what you can and deposit in church or at local supermarkets.
A prayer for this week- based on our Gospel reading:
Lord God,
you lead us as a shepherd leads the flock;
gather us into the fold,
teach us to trust you, to listen to your words,
so that we need not fear, nor be dismayed,
but may walk as your disciples,
those who call confidently on your name,
and on the name of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Taken from Roots for Churches Issue 60


2 Samuel 7: 1-14a

Ephesians 2: 11-end

Mark 6: 30-34, 53-end (Gospel)


Sunday 21st July Trinity 8

8am         Holy Communion

10am All Age Worship

Wednesday 24th 

9am Morning Prayer

Sat 27th  

9am-11am  Monthly churchyard/church working party. Coffee and bacon rolls provided. Please sign up.


Sunday 28th Trinity 9

8am        Holy Communion

10am      Parish Communion


Friday 2nd August 

3pm Thanksgiving Service for Dorette Barnett

Weds 7th 

11am       Monthly Holy Communion

7pm         PCC meeting

Sunday 25th 

3pm        Afternoon Recital.  Anthony Burns-Cox (organ). For more information contact Gordon 07817379006. Help with refreshments welcome. See below for further dates.

Monday 26th 

2-5pm St Gregory’s Afternoon Tea- plus stalls- at Marnhull Village Hall.Please support this major fundraiser and help if you can. Please sign up to contribute to various stalls.


  • We are compiling an up-to-date Church Members’ Telephone Directory. If you would like to be included, please put your details on the form that can be found on the table just inside the south door or let Barrie know.
  • We are taking a church key inventory! If you have any church keys please contact Barrie below as soon as possible.
  • Dorset Historic Churches Trust Ride and Stride https://www.dhct.org.uk/m/ride_and_stride.php in Marnhull needs a new Parish Coordinator in preparation of  Sat 14th September’s event. Training can be given. Please speak to Revd Gaenor if you are interested in the role- as soon as possible, thankyou.


  • Pray for stability in UK cities and towns
  • Pray for countries like the Sudans experiencing much violence and hardship still
  • Pray for those who have responsibilty for our coastlines, the RNLI and other agencies keeping holiday makers safe this summer
  • Please pray for Barrie our churchwarden as he recovers from a serious fall and for all in or from our parish who are ill in body, mind or spirit- for healing and wholeness
Every blessing



Revd Gaenor Hockey    01258 821605      [email protected]

Part time: Sunday, Wednesday and Friday

Assistant Curate

Revd Angus Mayhew 07788100885

[email protected]

Shared curacy: Marnhull and Gillingham Team  

Rest day: Monday

Licensed Lay Minister 

Judith Male 07852780517

[email protected]


Barrie Jenks 01258 821604

[email protected]

Church is open daily:  9am – 4.30pm


Parish:  www.stgregorysmarnhull.org.ukhttps://www.facebook.com/stgregschurch

Diocese:  https://www.salisbury.anglican.org