Giving and Legacies
For the life and ministry of your church
Giving and Legacies
Give thanks to the Lord for He is good
Giving and generosity of God
We believe in a generous God, who longs for us to share his generosity with others.
A generous life is therefore a hallmark of our faith and a testament to it, as the more generous we are, the more we reflect the generous God we believe in.
How we express this belief can be done in a variety of ways including the use of our time, our talents and gifts and our money.
St Gregory’s has a longstanding history of generosity that is both personal and financial, going above and beyond the locality.
As we are entirely self-funded as a parish, the money that we receive helps specifically with:
- contributing to the Diocesan parish share (see below)
- ministry across the parish
- discipleship and mission
- fellowship and pastoral care
- maintenance of the church
Fairer Share
The Christian response to God’s generosity involves giving to others and this simple yet vital principle of discipleship can be lived out in the way we meet the costs of our shared ministry in parishes across the Diocese.
The Fairer Share apportionment scheme adopted in this Diocese seeks to build upon this principle in ways that we hope will be both understandable and fair to all. The share pays only for parish ministry. Income from other sources covers administration, payment to the National Church and some of the parish ministry costs as well.
Gifts and donations
Thank you for considering making a donation to our church.
You can make a one-off and/or regular donation to our church in two ways. Whichever way you use, please Gift Aid it if you are a UK tax payer.
Donate online through your bank
You can use online banking to make a single donation via BACS transfer or a regular donation via a standing order or direct debit.
Gift Aid
Please gift aid it by downloading, completing and returning the Gift Aid form.
Gift Aid is an arrangement that allows charities (including churches) to reclaim tax on a donation made by a UK taxpayer. This means every donation will be worth 25% more, at no extra cost to the giver. For example, with Gift Aid the church can claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated, which makes a huge difference.
To stop regular donations please contact your bank.
Donate on paper through your bank
If you don’t have online banking, please contact the Treasurer or collect from Church for the appropriate standing order and gift aid forms.