

In the ministry of Christ's intercession

78h Sunday after Trinity

21st June - Barrie Jenks

Thank you, Lord, for bringing us together to join with each other in prayer and praise before your throne of grace.  We praise and thank you for the privilege we have of placing our prayers and petitions, our intercessions and thanksgiving, our requests and pleadings before you, and ask that you would lead us and guide us in our prayers.

Our Father in Heaven, you are the only true God, the author and lover of peace, to know you is to live, to serve you is to reign.

Defend against every attack those who cry to you so that we, who trust in your protection, may not fear the weapons of any foe.

May you restore, strengthen and bless this church and help us to use all the blessings you give us to glorify your precious name.  Guide, protect and inspire our Reverends Gaenor and Angus and our Licensed Lay Minister, Judith, as they lead us forward,

Lord in your mercy ……  Hear our prayer!

Father God, we pray for the worldwide church.  We thank and praise You that, in every country, Christians are meeting today to worship, to pray and to help those in need.  We give thanks for the witness of our churches, and pray that, with the power of Your Holy Spirit, they will never fail to hold aloft the light of Your truth.  We pray for the many countries where Your church is being persecuted and where Christians are suffering for their faith.  Father God, by His resurrection, Your son, Jesus, restored life and peace to all creation.  Comfort, we pray, all victims of intolerance and those abused by their fellow humans.  Lead the oppressors away from hate, towards compassion and mercy.  We pray especially for The Ukraine, Russia, Israel, Gaza and Jerusalem.

Lord in your mercy ……  Hear our prayer!

Dear Lord, we pray for our King Charles and Camilla, his Queen Consort, as he moves forward in the demanding life of a Sovereign of State.  We pray for Your miracle of healing to be upon him and also upon Princess Kate.  Guide and defend him as our Head of State and Head of the church, and may his presence have a wise and beneficial influence on our lives.

Heavenly Father, watch over our nation, we pray.  Give to our political leaders the humility and insight needed to rule according to Your laws – laws which take everyone into account, and that are fair and just.  May they fulfil their responsibilities at home and abroad, and uphold the Christian traditions that we hold so dearly.

Lord in your mercy ……  Hear our prayer!

Lord, we pray for our community, our Diocese and Bishop Stephen, our Benefice, our churches, our village and all our friends and family here – Your body of the church.  Guide us all Lord, as we seek to know how to move forward in bringing the Good News of The Gospel to more homes in our village.  We ask, especially, that you will be close to all those who are in hospital or in Care Homes; we pray for those who are sick or afraid – for themselves or loved ones; for those who are bereaved, grieving or isolated.  In a moment of quiet, we bring before You, Lord all those who are personally known to ourselves.  Dear Lord, be their healer, their comforter and their protector.

Lord in your mercy ……  Hear our prayer!

A Celtic Benediction …

May the peace of our Lord Jesus go with us, wherever He may send us.
May He guide us through the wilderness; protect us from the storm.
May He bring us home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown us,
May He bring us home rejoicing once again into our doors.

Merciful Father, ccept these prayers for the sake of You Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  AMEN!