

In the ministry of Christ's intercession

20th Sunday after Trinity

13th October - Sylvia Gisbourne

For the rich autumnal glories and the flaming pageant of the ripening woods, the fiery gorse and the heather-purpled hills, we thank you Lord.

We pray for all who preach the gospel and put into words the message of hope and new life to be found in Jesus Christ.  Give them the help of the Holy Spirt that their words may go straight to the minds and hearts and wills of those who hear.

Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

O God our Father we pray for our young people growing up in a difficult and dangerous world.  We commend to your ceaseless compassion all homeless children and orphans, and those whose lives are overshadowed by violence, or thwarted by disease or cruelty. 

Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Father we give you thanks for all who enrich our lives with their creative talents.  We thank you for story-tellers, playwrights and poets.  We thank you for writers, programme makers and cameramen.  We pray that you will use their gifts in your service.

Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

We offer to you in love all who are sick in this parish and those known to us personally.  May the Holy Spirit help doctors so that they may find out more and more about curing and preventing illness.

Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

We pray for lonely people, for exiles and refugees, for those who have lost dear friends, and all for whom the darkness of this time seems to blot out the light of Christ.

Lord hear us. Lord graciously hear us.

Rejoicing in the fellowship of our Lady Mary, St Joseph, St Gregory and of all your saints, we commend ourselves and the whole creation to your unfailing love.

Merciful Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen